
Please note that all Weston locations will close at 2pm on New Year’s Eve, December 31st and will be closed on New Year’s Day. Happy New Year to all!

Take the Lawn Care Quiz



True or False? Take the Quiz to test your Lawn Care knowledge:

  1. Spring is the most important time of the year for lawn care.
  2. I can have a good lawn without applying fertilizers.
  3. Liming can green up a struggling lawn.
  4. Grub control is a must, but it should be done in the spring.
  5. Pre-emergent grass controls don’t work, especially corn gluten.
  6. Always pick up grass clippings and you won’t need to dethatch the lawn.
  7. Get rid of broadleaf weeds with a step 2 fertilizer.  We apply that in June before the hot weather.
  8. The typical home lawn requires 2 bags of fertilizer to get good coverage.
  9. Chinch bugs are a major lawn pest that devastate lawns during the summer.
  10. The best lawns are always maintained by professionals – most homeowners cannot  maintain a quality lawn on their own.

(See Answers below!)

1.  FALSE –   Fall is the most important time of the year  for fertilizing and for starting a new lawn.
2.  FALSE – Turfgrasses  require  some amount of Nitrogen fertilizer to maintain color, density and vigor.
3.  TRUE –  Raising an extremely low soil pH can release soil  micronutrients  essential for healthy turf growth.
4.  TRUE  AND  FALSE  –  The best time to treat white grubs is right after they hatch out in late summer.  If you are using a “season long” control containing  Imidicloprid it is usually applied in late Spring.
5.  FALSE  – The effectiveness of pre-emergents depends on timing, accurate application, and a thorough  watering in of the chemical.  Corn gluten works best when applied on a regular basis as it builds up strength in the soil.
6.  FALSE –  Grass clippings do not contribute to thatch buildup in any significant way.
7.  TRUE AND FALSE  – Broadleaf weed controls work best when the weeds are actively growing, which includes September and October.  Avoid using these chemicals in the summer when temperatures exceed 90 degrees or when the lawn is drought stressed.
8.  FALSE – All lawn applications depend on an accurate measurement of square footage. Granular products are usually packaged for 5, 10, or 15 thousand square foot applications.
9.  FALSE  – Chinch bug is not a major lawn pest in New England. It can be a serious problem further south.

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