
Go Paint Some Snow!



We finally got snow! Get creative with your outdoor nature crafts this winter by making some snow paint for your kids. Combine food coloring, powdered tempera paint or watercolor paints with some water and place in a spray bottle. Send your kids out to color the snow in any creative way they’d like! You’ll be surprised what incredible clever creations they come up with!


This snow paint is so easy to mix up. It takes just three items!

  • Powder tempera paint or watercolor paints or gel food coloring
  • Spray Bottles
  • Water


Remove the top of the bottle and add paint or food coloring to each bottle, fill with water, replace the lid, and shake to mix.  

You are guaranteed to have a rainbow colored masterwork in your yard! The whole neighborhood, both children and adults, will want to join in on the multicolored fun.

Adapted from TheResourcefulMama.com

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