By R. Wayne Mezitt, WN Chairman
It has been many years since we’ve seen such superb, extended bloom on so many plants, particularly this week’s rhododendrons! An unusual number of favorable factors this year have combined to facilitate such an extraordinary season. Last winter lacked the extended cold and desiccating winds we often experience around here; April’s six days with temperatures >70°F made a big contribution by “fooling” many early-flowering plants into believing the season was more advanced that it was; the persistently cooler temperatures between the high peaks helped, along with no frost since the first week in April. And of major significance is all the rainfall that has finally ended our drought.
Now that rhododendron-blooming season is upon us, our weather continues to enhance the floral displays. Our consistently cooler-than-normal temperatures and periodic rainfall all are contributing to extending the flowering times in all our gardens. Perhaps this weather is not so encouraging for those of us who enjoy warm outdoor evenings around the pool or patio; but the plants love it!
So take a few moments to revel in this unusually-opulent display of bloom adorning so many homes and landscapes this spring—magnificence like this doesn’t occur very often!