The first day of autumn should serve as a reminder that we are not that far from fall leaf drop and the impending threat from our foliage starved four legged nemesis Odocoileus virginianus – the White- tailed deer.
Keeping in mind that it is always easier to prevent damage than to stop it once it is underway, homeowners should be on the lookout for the first signs that deer are on the move and for possible browsing damage. Deer will spend the next few weeks scouting potential sources of food for their winter survival. They are in the process of organizing a winter smorgasbord, and that might include your arborvitae hedge. If any activity is spotted it will be important to start applying repellants in a timely manner.
Our options include both foliar sprays and scent barriers which can be applied in granular form to band plantings favored by deer. Another option is heavy-duty plastic netting, which can be quite cost effective and is fairly easy to work with. If there is one particular plant in your landscape that the deer find particularly appetizing, you may find that it’s more economical to build a cage around that individual plant. Simply drive a few stakes into the ground and surround those securely with mesh.
Weston Nurseries garden center carries a full line of these repellants, along with a selection of deer resistant trees, shrubs, and perennials.