
Hand Crafted Mailboxes



We are pleased to carry gorgeous hand embossed copper mailboxes locally crafted by the artist Gregory Hentzi. Each beautiful 3-dimensional design is a scene of animals in motion, a serene landscape or simply a close up of wheat and dragonflies. Greg’s work is inspired by nature’s beauty and his stunning artwork will certainly enhance your home’s curb appeal.

After Greg finishes his designs, they are carefully coated with a clear lacquer protecting the copper from the natural aging process. To keep your Greg Henzti mailbox bright, add additional coats of clear lacquer every six months or so (available in spray cans available at any hardware store or auto-parts store). Should you choose to allow your mailbox to age naturally, you will see your design darken to a natural patina. Please note a green patina appears only after many, many years.

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